Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Top 7 show - Lionel Richie:

Recap of Josh being eliminated, that was horrible. Kalan, Theresa, Shane, Kaleb, Elena, Jason! Judges intro. Josh is sitting beside Jacob's girlfriend. Now a Lionel Richie intro background thingy.

Kalan Porter - "Still". He was good, he stares so much like Jona and it kills me. Jake says it was his best on the show, Farley says he's a Sex Symbol Superstar. Sass says he's gone from good boy to dream boy. He was always dream boy to me. Zack said it was naked and real. Right. How freakish! Ben made fun of his shoes. I like Kalan's shoes! I also like his checkered shirt thing. It's hot. And it's a nice shirt. I hate Kalan's girlfriend, she's ugly. Well she's not, but still.

Commercials. Back.

Theresa Sokryka - "Hello". Whoa, she scatted at the end. That was different. She was awesome, she's so pretty I love her shirt! Good, Zack didn't yell at her. The other judges liked her, so that's good. Ben says he can scat. Theresa says she doesn't believe him. That is so me and Jona. What? Whatever, shut up.

Shaney Wiebe - "Angel". He was okay, I just wish he would shave again, he looks like a freak old man. Sass and Zack liked him. Jake says it was an uptempto song. It was NOT! Farley says Shane nailed it. Whatever! I just thought it was okay. Beh, Ben is being retarded.

Commercials. Back.

Kaleb Simmonds - "Truly". He yodelled and sang highly, I've been waiting for that for a LONG time, since "Tears in heaven". They judges all say he's amazing. Kaleb called Sass beautiful, that's so sweet I love him!! Ben says he takes longest to get to the stool. That's true, he does. Awww, Kaleb! Sorry.

Commercials. Back.

YES JON IS HERE! He's wearing his "Kiss the Dore" apron, I love that thing! He wore it on the clip in the group 3 results show. Now he's giving people burgers. And he has a stomache ache. Now they're rolling e clip. They're playing badminton or tennis, I can't tell. They're in the pool. They're making desert. Kalan makes a fish out of jelly. Shane makes a car. Jon makes a Canadian Idol sign.

Jacob Hoggard - "Brick house". I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO SING THIS! Sorry I didn't say. Lol he looks so freakish with his red leather sideways hat thing like mine and his weird shirt and pants, he's so funny! The judges hated him except for Sass. I loved him, he's got my vote!

Eloser Juatco - "Fancy Dancer". I knew that too. Holy crap, what is she wearing. She didn't suck as much as usual, but she still sucked. And that hairstyle? Not working for you, girl, sorry. And that belt? Ugly! And that skirt? Pretty cheap, too! The only good thing was her boots, but it kind of made her look like a s***.

Jason Greeley - "Easy". YES I LOVE THIS SONG! It's my favourite Lionel song.

Recap: Kalan Porter - 1-866-9-IDOL-01 - "Still"
Theresa Sokyrka - 1-866-9-IDOL-02 - "Hello"
Shane Wiebe - 1-866-9-IDOL-03 - "Angel"
Kaleb Simmonds - 1-866-9-IDOL-04 - "Truly"
Jacob Hoggard - 1-866-9-IDOL-05 - "Brick house"
Eloser Juatco - 1-866-9-IDOL-06 - "Fancy Dancer"
Jason Greeley - 1-866-9-IDOL-07 - "Easy"

I'm voting for Jacob and Jason and Kaleb and Theresa. And Kalan.